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Sync data back from Atomic to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Extensions

Using Action Flow send-request step

Within an Action Flow you can sync user input from an Atomic card back in to Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

To do so complete the following steps:

Create API credentials in SFMC

Follow the guide here to do so.

When adding the component, ensure you select:

  1. Component type: API Integration
  2. Integration type: Server-to-server
  3. Set Server-to-Server Properties step: select the components you would like to edit.

This should produce the following API configuration sfmc_api.png

In Atomic configure the authentication options

Under Configuration > Analytics > Webhook Credentials Add a new credential

  • name: 'SFMC'
  • Credential type: 'Client credentials'
  • Client Id: client Id from your API configuration in the previous step
  • Client secret: client secret from your API configuration in the previous step
  • Identity URL: Authentication Base URI from your API configuration in the previous step with v2/token added to the end
    • i.e. https://<your-endpoint>
  • Enter scope: leave this blank
  • Request scheme: 'Body parameters'
  • Save!

Configure you Action Flow to send data to the API

In this example we have a single card that gathers some information about the user, this then sends that data to a data extension in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.


In this example we have a simple card that captures some data about the user


Once the card is completed the Action Flow uses a send-request step to send the data the Salesforce Marketing Cloud REST API.

In the Atomic Workbench, add a Send a request step to your Action Flow, and give it the following properties:

  • URL: REST Base URI from your API configuration in the previous step plus the target API endpoint
    • In this example we have https://<your-endpoint><key>/rows in order to target a specific data extension in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. As per the Salesforce Marketing Cloud API documentation.

The key is the External Key for the Salesforce Marketing Cloud data extension that you wish to update the card response data with. Data extensions are in the Contact Builder area of SFMC. They must contain a Primary Key that is included in the request from Atomic, in this example the primary key is endUserId.

  • Method: PUT
  • Credentials: SFMC as created in previous step.


The final piece of set-up required for the send-request step is mapping the data to the expected format required by Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This is managed by scrolling down in the send-request step settings to Edit Request Mapping. In the example the mapping is:

const myPayload = {
"items": [
"endUserId": context.payload.targetUserIds[0],
"firstName": context.flowSteps.card_event_listener_H8guu.output.card.output.textInput_z3jr7,
"lastName" : context.flowSteps.card_event_listener_H8guu.output.card.output.textInput_xDeQC,
"email": context.flowSteps.card_event_listener_H8guu.output.card.output.textInput_bmwXd,
"favoriteFood": context.flowSteps.card_event_listener_H8guu.output.card.output.dropdown_v9oVQ
return myPayload

You'll need to edit this example payload to match with your inputs.

  • Replace the card_event_listener_H8guu with the event_listener for your card.
  • Replace the textInput_z3jr7,dropdown_v9oVQ etc with the Field name, which you can find in the card editor by selecting the input field (e.g. dropdown, text input...).