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Fields for customer filtering

The table below lists all profile fields that can be used to create filters.

Field nameDescription
Atomic createdtime when customer profile was created in Atomic
Atomic IDAtomic ID; each customer is assigned one when created in Atomic
Cityoptional free text field
Countryoptional free text field
Emailoptional free text field
External IDoptional free text field
Nameoptional free text field
Phoneoptional free text field
Regionoptional free text field
Timezoneoptional free text field
User typecustomers can either be "test" or "live" depending on whether they are an internal workbench test user or not

The table below lists all profile activity fields that can be used to create filters.

Granularity for profile activity fields

Profile activity fields are updated at-most once every 30 seconds. For example, if a card is sent to a customer at 10:34.15 and again at 10:34.25. The field for "Last card published" would be set to 10:34.15, not 10:34.25. A subsequent event after 10:34.55 would update the field as there has been more than 30 seconds since the original update.

Field nameDescription
First seentime when customer first interacted with any of the SDKs, based on time of first analytic event received or first successful authentication
Last seentime of last customer activity based on most recent analytics and successful authentication with the SDK
Last seen on iOStime when customer last interacted with the iOS sdk
Last seen on Androidtime when customer last interacted with the Android sdk
Last seen on Webtime when customer last interacted with the Web sdk
Last Android SDK versionversion of the Android SDK the customer last interacted with
Last Android deviceAndroid version and device model the customer used most recently
Last Android OS versionAndroid version the customer used most recently
Last Android device nameAndroid device model the customer used most recently
Last iOS SDK versionversion of the iOS SDK the customer last interacted with
Last iOS deviceiOS version and device model the customer used most recently
Last iOS OS versioniOS version the customer used most recently
Last iOS device nameiOS device model the customer used most recently
Last browserthe user agent string of the last browser used
Last browser namebrowser name of the last browser used
Last browser versionbrowser version of the last browser used
Last browser OSthe operating system the last browser used
Last browser OS versionthe operating system version the last browser used
Last web SDK versionversion of the Web SDK the customer last interacted with

The table below lists all event fields that can be used to create filters.

Field nameDescription
Card cancelledtime when customer cancelled a card
Card completedtime when customer completed a card
Card dismissedtime when customer dismissed a card
Card displayedtime when customer displayed a card
Card embargoedtime when card was embargoed
Card expiredtime when card was expired
Card publishedtime when card was sent
Card snoozedtime when customer snoozed a card
Card subview displayedtime when customer opened a subview
Card subview exitedtime when customer exited a subview
Card unsnoozedtime when card was unsnoozed
Card voted-downtime when card was voted-down
Card voted-uptime when card was voted-up
Notification receivedtime when customer received a push notification
Notification senttime when a push notification was sent
Runtime vars-updatedtime when runtime variables were updated for this customer
SDK initializedtime when any of the SDKs was initialized for this customer
Segment enteredtime when customer entered any segment
Segment exitedtime when customer exited any segment
Snooze options cancelledtime when customer cancelled the snooze options
Snooze options displayedtime when customer displayed the snooze options
Stream displayedtime when any stream was displayed for this customer
User redirectedtime when customer was redirected after clicking a link
Video completedtime when customer completed watching a card video
Video playedtime when customer started watching a card video
Timestamps for user analytics fields

Timestamps are shown in the workbench member's local timezone. When creating a segment based on time, it gets converted to UTC time in the backend. This means that even organizations with workbench members in different timezones will have consistent segments.

When a customer exits or enters a segment the 'segment-entered' or 'segment-exited' events are emitted. These events are available in the analytics data. It is also possible to configure webhooks to send the event payload data to a URL you specify when the events are emitted.

Filtering based on multiple values in a custom field

  1. Create a custom field as described in the custom fields section.
    Example: a custom field describing a customer's shopping interests.

  1. Update the relevant customers' profile with comma-separated values for this field.
    Example: a customer is interested in arts, music and books.

  1. Create a filter based on the custom field by using the 'contains' condition and one keyword.
    Example: a filter for all customers interested in music.

  1. If you want to include multiple keywords in your segment, you can combine multiple filters using the 'match any' or 'match all' dropdown menu.
    Example: a segment containing all customers interested in music or art.

Limitations of applying filters to multiple values of custom fields
  • When you filter on a value that contains (part of) another value, both get returned. When you have two values, 'men' and 'women', filtering on 'men' will also include all values for 'women'. This happens because the text string 'men' is found within the text string 'women'.
  • If you use multiple keywords in 1 filter, the results will be limited to customers with those values in that exact order. A filter for 'books, art' will not return the same results as 'art, book'. Using a combination of multiple filters (as described in the section above) is the recommended approach.