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Test Action Flow sender

Use the Action Flow sender to batch and send test cards to test accounts with Action Flows.

Workbench view of test action flow sender tool
Batch and send test cards to test accounts with Action Flows
This tool only creates Action Flows for test accounts

When you create a manual JSON object or upload a CSV file containing non-test accounts, the tool will return a success message when you send the request. This means the request has a valid format. The Action Flow instances will only be created for test accounts. Any non-test customers included in the target parameters, will be ignored.

JSON - manual entry

The manual entry uses a similar shape to our API requests, with the addition of the Action Flow configuration id to target. Learn more about this format and other API options in the Action Flow API guide.

Customers need to be pre-configured as test accounts in the Workbench before they can receive test cards.


Within the file template, we use dot notation to build the payload into JSON format behind the scenes.

You can locate a template file to add your payload detail to in the Workbench: Tools > Testing > Action Flow sender > Sample CSV file.

Within the csv file, each row sends one version of the card with a specific set of variables to the designated user(s). For example, one row can contain multiple customers.

Not all of the columns in the csv file are mandatory - read more about which properties are required and which are optional in the Action Flow API guide.

Batch upload

Batch uploading of test Action Flows is available to Workbench members with access to the 'Card Template' resource. Learn more about Team member permissions.

Depending on how you would like to test cards, you may like to have a version of the csv template for each card template, or alternatively use one template for all card templates, and leave unused variable cells empty.

CSV template properties

PropertyColumn headerExample value and notes
Flow Config IDflowConfigIdabc123
Must match the ID of the Action Flow configuration in the Workbench.
Use | to separate users receiving the same Action Flow.
Note: Customers need to be pre-configured as test accounts in the Workbench before they can receive test cards.
Card Prioritypayload.cardOptions.priority5
Learn more about using priority, at Prioritization.
Card Expirypayload.cardOptions.expires2020-12-15T16:47:00+13
Learn more about using expires, including some examples in our Date and Time Reference.
Expiry Intervalpayload.cardOptions.expiresIntervalPT15M
Learn more about using expiresInterval, including some examples in our Date and Time Reference.
Card Embargopayload.cardOptions.embargo2020-12-15T16:47:00Z
Learn more about using embargo, including some examples in our Date and Time Reference.
Flow Invocation IDflowInvocationId1234567890
Can be left blank, in which case Atomic will generate a unique Action Flow invocation ID. It can be any string or number.
Card Variablepayload.variables.variableName1Jane
Must match the name of the variable in Workbench.
Card Variablepayload.variables.variableName2Smith
Must match the name of the variable in Workbench.
Arbitrary data. Learn more about using metadata in Action Flow API request properties.
Arbitrary data. Learn more about using metadata in Action Flow API request properties.
Notification Detailpayload.notificationDetail.myProperty31245-jsurbd-54155
Arbitrary data. Learn more about using notification details in Action Flow API request properties.