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Card delivery

To send a card from an Action Flow, add a send a card step step to your Action Flow.

Card delivery settings

When Action Flows reach a send a card step and use the template to send a card to your target customer, it will apply any delivery settings that were configured for the card in the step settings, to control precisely when the card will be visible, for how long, and where in your app it should appear.


Card delivery settings are found by selecting the send a card step on the Action Flow canvas, not inside the card template editor. From the Action Flow canvas, click the relevant step to review and configure the delivery details.

Overriding delivery settings via the trigger event payload

Unlike legacy action cards, cards sent by Action Flows should not have their delivery settings overriden by metadata values you supply in Trigger events. This is because Action Flows can contain multiple send a card steps, and supplying this data once in the trigger will attempt to apply it to all send a card steps, and is highly likely to cause unintended behaviors. To support a smooth migration for existing customer we have not blocked your systems from sending delivery metadata in trigger events, and we will attempt to apply it if supplied (which will continue to work as expected for single card action flows), but we will be deprecating this soon to prevent unintended system behavior


By default all cards are shown in the 'All cards' stream. To also display your card in other streams, select the stream(s) from the delivery settings.


Embargo enables you to set a delivery time for the card at an exact date and time in the future. Specifying a time is done based on UTC time.

For example, if your timezone offset is +12:00 and you want the card to be sent at 8.15am in your timezone, then you would set the time to 8.15am and the offset to +12:00.

If a delivery time is scheduled in the past, then it will be ignored and the cards are sent immediately.


Specifying a time is done based on UTC time, so you need to allow for daylights savings changes, to match your target customers' timezone. New Zealand is UTC+12:00, but UTC+13:00 in daylights savings (from the last Sunday in September at 2.00am to the first Sunday in April at 3.00am). Victoria, Australia is UTC +10:00, but UTC+11:00 in daylights savings (from the first Sunday in October at 2.00am to the first Sunday in April at 3.00am).


If not yet actioned, expiry allows you to expire a card instance. You can add either an exact date and time, or a time relative to the delivery time (i.e. a countdown timer):

Expire at absolute date & time:

The card expires at an exact date and time.

Expire relative to delivery:

Select the time in days, hours and/or minutes you wish the card to remain available to the customer for, relative to the delivery time (i.e. a countdown timer).


If both relative and absolute times are completed, Atomic will respect absolute times.

Expiring cards using the API

If using the API, use ISO86001 formatting to specify relative expiry durations. See more: Duration formats.


Adding prioritization to a card enables you to show the most relevant and urgent cards at the top of the feed.


By default cards are ordered by the recency of the card being sent to the customer (or coming out of snooze), with the most recent cards shown on the top of the feed.

The priority value can be any number between 1 and 10, with 1 being the highest priority, and 10 being the lowest priority. Cards with higher priority appear higher in the card feed.

For example a card with priority 2 will be ordered above a card with priority 4. If no priority is supplied, the default priority is 5.

An individual customer can be sent a unique prioritization value, so you can set card priority depending on your customer.


By default, cards will be displayed on all platforms: Web, Android & iOS. With this setting it is possible to configure cards to be displayed on only a subset of these platforms. If no platforms are selected, or all platforms are selected then the card will be displayed on all platforms.