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Action card subviews

Action cards can contain secondary screens called subviews, that expand the surface area and interactivity of a card without adding friction or requiring customers to link away or change context.

Top-view, vs Subviews

The top-view is the top level of an Action Card displayed in stream containers, they can contain as many or few content and action elements as you need. However, it is common to keep a top-view brief and provide more details one-step away in a subview. Common scenarios include:

  • Using the top-view to introduce the message and provide a call to action linking to a subview with a form to complete
  • Using the top-view to deliver a video, with an option to link to the subview for a transcript
  • Using the top-view to provide a content summary, and using a subview to present terms, offer details, or longer form articles
  • Using a top-view to present multiple buttons/link options, having each open a different subview for simple branching

Action cards can contain form inputs on either the top-level or in subviews, but not both levels, to minimize user confusion. If you are building a form that is too complex for a single card at either level, we recommend creating a sequence of cards instead to avoid bloating a single card and impacting response rates. Form parts can be sent one after another in separate cards, and consider use condition steps and dynamic content to make even more dynamic flows. Check out the context reference to learn how outputs from each step can be reused by later steps.

Subviews vs a sequence of cards

The goal with Action cards is always to keep them as simple and brief as possible, without impacting response and conversion rates. In situations where you have many small questions or form inputs, or need to ask one thing, then conditionally route the user to a next step based on their first answer, or when a more interactive experience is required, you may prefer to design your Action Flow to send a sequence of small cards instead of bundling content or complexity into Subviews.

There is no 'right' way, and we strongly recommend you run tests with your use cases to test and learn.

Adding a subview to a card template

When adding a link button to your card template, you will see an option to have the link open an existing subview. You'll also be given the option to create a new subview while configuring the button. At any time when editing your card, you can also click the + button in the card elements menu to add a subview.

Your card can contain more than one subview.

As well as linking to subviews from link buttons, you can also link to a subview from within a text element when you want to a lower-profile pathway. Here's how to do it: [Link to my SUbview](subview:subview-id) where subview-id is the ID of your subview.