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SNS Notification platforms API

API endpoints

Data formats

For Android

In 2024 Firebase Messaging is transitioning to the HTTP v1 API. Existing Atomic Notification Platforms will need to be migrated. This can be done by creating a new Notification Platform and then deleting the legacy integration.

The new Firebase Platform (FCM HTTP v1) is the recommended method to use going forward. This can be configured via the workbench as well as the API.

Android FCM HTTP v1

  • platform should be GCM (for legacy reasons)
  • platformCredential is your JSON encoded token
  • platformPrincipal should be an empty string
  • platformProperties is optional, and can include a channelId, i.e.
    platformProperties: {
    channelId: 'atomic_action_cards_notification_channel'
    restrictedPackageName: 'com.example.myapp'

Android API Key (legacy)

Atomic will deprecate this method prior to June 2024.

  • platform should be GCM
  • platformCredential is your API key
  • platformPrincipal should be omitted
  • platformProperties is optional, and can include a channelId, i.e.
    platformProperties: {
    channelId: 'atomic_action_cards_notification_channel'
    restrictedPackageName: 'com.example.myapp'
    For iOS

When configuring a Notification Platform for iOS you have two options. Either Certificate authentication using a P12 certificate or Token based authentication using P8 private key and signing details. These configuration details are available through the Apple Developer Centre.

For iOS - Certificate Authentication

  • platform should be APNS or APNS_SANDBOX
  • platformCredential is your private key
  • platformPrincipal is the SSL certificate

Note if you have a certificate in PCKCS#12 format, the private key and SSL certificate can be extracted with a command such as

openssl pkcs12 -in APNS.p12 -out combined.pem`

For iOS - Token Authentication

You will have to download the p8 certificate from the Apple Developer Centre.

  • Signing key – The authentication token signing key from your Apple Developer account, which you download as a .p8 file. Apple lets you download your signing key only once.

  • Signing key ID – The ID that's assigned to your signing key. Amazon SNS requires this information to construct authentication tokens. To find this value in your Apple Developer account, choose Certificates, IDs & Profiles, and then choose your key in the Keys section.

  • Team identifier – The ID that's assigned to your Apple Developer account team. You can find this value on the Membership page.

  • Bundle identifier – The ID that's assigned to your app. To find this value, choose Certificates, IDs & Profiles, choose App IDs in the Identifiers section, and then choose your app.

List existing platforms

GET /v1/:environmentId/notification-platforms

Response contains platform details in JSON format:

"data": [
"id": "7JlDQ1Da",
"type": "sns-notification-platform",
"attributes": {
"platform": "APNS",
"appId": "io.atomic...",
"arn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:...",
"created": "2020-07-09T00:20:11.765Z",
"enabled": true,
"attributes": {
"Enabled": "true",
"AppleCertificateExpirationDate": "2021-12-05T02:28:49Z"

Create a platform

Example Android.

POST /v1/:environmentId/notification-platforms
"appId": "...",
"platform": "GCM",
"platformCredential": "ABC...XYZ"

Example iOS.

POST /v1/:environmentId/notification-platforms
"appId": "...",
"platform": "APNS",
"platformCredential": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\nABC...XYZ\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n",
"platformPrincipal": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nDEF...UVW\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n"


"data": {
"arn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:..."

Update a platform

Example Android.

PUT /v1/:environmentId/notification-platforms
"appId": "...",
"platform": "GCM",
"platformCredential": "ABC...XYZ"

Example iOS.

PUT /v1/:environmentId/notification-platforms
"appId": "...",
"platform": "APNS",
"platformCredential": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\nABC...XYZ\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n",
"platformPrincipal": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\nDEF...UVW\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n"


"data": {
"arn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:..."

Disable / Enable a platform

PUT /v1/:environmentId/notification-platform-enabled
"id": "7JlDQ1Da",
"enabled": false

Delete a platform

Only disabled platforms can be deleted

DELETE /v1/:environmentId/notification-platforms
"appId": "...",
"platform": ("GCM" | "FCM" | "APNS" | "APNS_SANDBOX")