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Workbench overview

Atomic SDKs take care of fetching and displaying cards, but rely on certain configuration to work as intended.

The Workbench is Atomic’s back office system for managing and analysing all aspects of your organization, environment, cards and customers.

  • Cards is where you can view and manage all of your cards.
  • Customers is where you can view and manage your customers so you can send targeted and personalized messages.
  • Insights (available in Beta) is where you can see an overview of card analytics.
  • Tools is where you'll find the tools used for debugging the configuration, testing, manually downloading analytics, and security.
  • Configuration is where you will find all of the things necessary for setting up and making changes to your configuration. This includes SDK and API resources and settings, Approvals process, Customer profiles, Webhooks, and Testing accounts.
  • Profile and Organization is where you can manage your profile or Organization.

Command palette

Use the command palette to navigate the workbench quickly. Use the Command-K keyboard shortcut on Mac or Control-K on Windows and Linux to open the palette, and simply type in the name of the card, the menu, the tool, the environment, ... you want to navigate to.


Every Atomic Organization comes with an environment named Sandbox.

This contains a showcase of the various card types possible, including images, subviews and validation. You can use it to create your own card templates, send test cards and create API access keys to access the environment.

If you have the right permissions you can add, edit or archive environments. To add other environments, go to Preferences > Manage environment`. Alternatively, you can open the command palette and type "Manage".

If you do not see a Sandbox environment in the workbench, this could be because someone has already made some changes in your Atomic organization. Read more about permissions in the Permissions resources guide.

To switch environments in the Workbench, select the drop-down menu near the top left corner in the workbench, and select the Environment you want to switch to. Alternatively, you can open the command palette and type the name of the environment.

Switch environments by selecting the dropdown menu in the top left corner Switch environments by selecting the dropdown menu in the top left corner